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Landlord Fees

 Let Only HMO (up to 6 bedrooms)


Let Only Non-HMO


Let Only (Large HMO 7 bedroom and more)


Let Only Room-by-room


Full Management


Set-up Fee for managed properties


Inventory Fee


Deposit registration Fee


Additional property visits


Arrangement Fee for works over £600


Obtaining more than two contractors quotes


Rent Review Fee


Renewal Fee


Checkout Fee 


Court Attendance


Gas Safety Inspection


Energy Performance Certificate


Electrical Inspection 


Submission of non-residents landlord’s receipts to HMRC

£882 (inc VAT)


£696 (inc VAT)


£1026 (inc VAT)


£384 (inc VAT) per room


14.4% of rent (inc VAT)


60% of month’s rent (inc VAT)


£120 (inc VAT)


£84 (inc VAT)


£60 (inc VAT)


12% of net cost (inc VAT)


£60 (inc VAT) per quote


£120 (inc VAT)


£120 (inc VAT)


£72 (inc VAT)


£180 (inc Vat) per hour


£85 (inc Vat)


£75 (inc Vat)


£145 (inc Vat)


£120 (inc VAT) quarterly